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destruction by obliterating something

“We do not fight, we defend ourselves against annihilation” (Remarque 113)

We annihilated the enemy team in the last team fight.  (Referring to League of Legends)



large but transportable armament

“Battle planes don’t trouble us, but the observation planes we hate like the plague; they put the artillery to us” (Remarque 128)

We could not stand a chance against the enemy because of their artillery.



easily handled or managed

“They listen, they are docile-but when it begins again…” (Remarque 134)

The neighbour's pet dog is very docile.



at bottom or by something’s very nature

“In himself man is essentially a beast, only he butters it over like a slice of bread with a little decorum” (Remarque 44)

War will essentially have an ending to it.



a mass of small bubbles formed in or on a liquid

“All my efforts subside like froth into the one desire to be able to stay lying there” (Remarque 211)

The froth on my coffee makes it look very appetizing.  



an instrument for measuring and indicating a quantity

“Otherwise it is hard to understand why we cannot find him; for it is only when a man has his mouth close to the ground that is impossible to gauge the direction of his cry” (Remarque 124)

A steam train is equipped with a gauge to measure the level of pressure.



shockingly repellent; inspiring horror

“He looks ghastly, yellow and wan” (Remarque 14)

The dog had a ghastly face after being run over by a truck.



so exceedingly large or extensive as to suggest a giant

“The slide along it like gigantic tapering rulers” (Remarque 59)

That ship looks gigantic up close but tiny from a far.



the act of drawing something

“Then he hauls out a frying pan from under his coat, and a handful of salt as well as a lump of fat from his pocket” (Remarque 39)

The ship was hauling another ship that was broken.



raise or haul up with or as if with mechanical help

“Kat hoists me up” (Remarque 91)

When rock climbing, my belayer hoists me onto the rope.



inviting ridicule

“Nothing could look more ludicrous than his forage-cap and his uniform” (Remarque 176)

The expression on Gideon’s face was ludicrous!



be amazed at

“It is a marvel that our post has had no casualties so far” (Remarque 21)

It was a marvel view from the mountain top.



beyond or deviating from the usual or expected

“I‘d been struck by the peculiarity of the man…” (Hesse 10)

The young boy had a peculiar look on his face.



a line of people or vehicles waiting for something

“At the head of the queue of course were the hungriest” (Remarque 3)

We waited in queue for lunch for around 20 minutes.



incapable of being put up with

“The night is unbearable” (Remarque 108)

Bears are unbearable.

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