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Session 2 Homework Answers

Session 2 Homework

Homework 1: When Mr Pangier first showed us this, I did not remember it being one of our homework sentences.  But it seems like I got everything correct.  Well same as last time, probably because it was the first one.  Most likely this will not be the case in the other sentences...


Homework 2: Again, I got it all right.  I guess my first reflection was false!  Next one for sure will not be all right.   


Homework 3: 99% right on this one.  I missed putting in the parenthesis () in this one where I wrote prep.  Its like a math mistake, small miscalculation.


Homework 4: Finaly, I made a big mistake.  I wrote Direct object where ithere is no direct object.  But other then that, it seems like everything is correct once again!.  

75% Tier

Inclass 1: Mr Pangier gave us time to write down simple things that will help us greatly, one of them being the definition of a participle.  Verbs acting like adjectives ending in -ing or -ed.  This helped me out greatly because with this simple amount if information, I was able to identify the participles very quickly.  I think that having small notes helps greatly when solving codify.  Maybe I should make a notecard...

Inclass 2: Same thing as the first one, Mr Pangier gave us time again and this time, we were learning about Gerunds so I wrote down the simple Gerund definition.  Verbs acting like nouns; ending in -ing. Again having this small information helped greatly.  But this time, the in class was much harder because there were more then just prepositions and nouns and direct objects, this time, there was much more that we havn't done in the first classwork.  Also the double subject and subject predicates.  Good review, makes me think a lot.  Thats rare for me.  

Inclass 3: We were practicing infinitives.  Verbs acting as a noun, adj, or adv; usualy used in a "to (VERB)" sentence.  I found this one to be one of the easiest, other then the second subject.  This one was a short simple sentence.  Because of the "to (VERB)" format, I was easily able to locate where the infinitives were.  After finding that, all that was left is the simple work.  This one was by far the easiest classwork, Starting off easy, ending it easy?  Maybe?

85% tier (HW)

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