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Cry Loudly

I bawled at Jun Hyun when he ticked me off.

Tiurin was bawling out someone else down below” (Solzhenitsyn 96).



Leave undone or leave out

Our old house that is over 200 years old has been neglected.

“Without neglecting a single fish scale or particle of flesh on the brittle skeleton, Shukov went on chomping his teeth and sucking the bones, spitting the remains on the table” (Solzhenitsyn 17).



Carefully thought out in advance

I was very deliberate about my speech.  

“Waiting for work to start, or turned in for the night, they went on talking to each other in their quiet, deliberate manner” (Solzhenitsyn 48).



Remove or force from a position previously occupied

The powerful kick from Muhka dislodged the stone that was between 2 larger stones.

“... the picks slipped, scattering showers of sparks, but not a bit of earth was dislodged” (Solzhenitsyn 54).



Limp, untidy, and soiled

After I wake up, I look completely bedraggled.

“...a bedraggled scrap of cloth had been sewn on them, just above the left knee, with a faded black number...” (Solzhenitsyn 8).



Equipment designed to serve a specific function

Rock climbing requires proper apparatus.

“The vast apparatus just doesn’t care about poor little Ivan” (Solzhenitsyn 116).



Command against

The area we wanted to hike in was forbidden.

”Until all the towers were manned the site was forbidden territory. ” (Solzhenitsyn 42).



Intense or sharp

Archery requires keen eyes.

“The cold was growing keener” (Solzhenitsyn 85).



Search by running the hands rapidly over clothing

I frisk my hands through the sand in search for tiny gold pieces.  

“Sometimes the guards frisked you for letters that might have been sent through civilians” (Solzhenitsyn 33).



Completely wanting or lacking

After a few years into the zombie apocalypse, the store was completely barren.

“The steppe was barren and windswept, with a dry wind in the summer and a freezing one in winter“ (Solzhenitsyn 71).



Full of or marked by indignant will

I was resentful about the math test.

“Had Shukhov been punished for something he deserved he wouldn’t have felt so resentful” (Solzhenitsyn 8).



Having or emitting a high-pitched and sharp tone or tones

The pitch of the trumpet section was very shrill.

“From the direction of the main thoroughfare an excavator squealed shrilly” (Solzhenitsyn 143).



Skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands

Gideon is very dexterous when it comes to parkour.  

“He dexterously pulled his feet out of the valenki, put the valenki in the corner…” (Solzhenitsyn 13).


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