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Winter break came again.  I finally can wake up without feeling bedraggled.  I aboard my bus to Niseko, my parents will be there at my destination.  This year, I was serious about skiing.  Skiing requires apparatus.  So we head to the skiwear store to pick up some new boots.  The very next day, I went skiing.  Many people were very dexterous with their skis and snowboards.  There were many forbidden locations due to the lack of snow this year.  I had to keep an keen eye not to go into those places.  In the early morning, the ski hills were barren.  The place fills with people after a night of snow, or later in the day.  I heard a little child scream with a shrill voice, the sound of an injury is not pleasant at all.  Later that week, my dad takes me to a very powdery, deep location.  The instant I start skiing, my skis gets stuck inside the deep snow.  I try my best to dislodge the skis.  Later that day, I decided to play some games.  A very nostalgic game for me.  A game called Maplestory.  I wanted my friends to play this game, and some of them take lots of persuasion.  So I was very deliberate about my speaking.  I bawled as my friend denies to play the game.  But not a serious bawl, just a playful foolish one.  My friends did try out the game for a while, but now it has been neglected for a while.  In this game, some things are forbidden and there are punishments.  One mistake and you get banned for a couple of days.  In Maplestory, there is a class called thief, he is a very dexterous class who is skilled at throwing knives and stars.  The world of Maplestory first felt barren.  Nobody to play with, just alone.  I started to make friends, and I was having a great time.  At times, I felt resentful.  People would try to trick me into losing in game money, and all sorts of terrible stuff.  There is a location in the game called Free Market, where people sell stuff.  People chat to sell, so I always keep a keen eye out on for things I would want for my character.  And my journey in Maplestory still continues to this day.

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